However, I love colorado. And I miss it. A lot. I keep saying that all I want is to just eat, practice, and be outside... Colorado. Since I've come home I've been really lightheaded. There is so much air here and it's so humid, I feel like I'm breathing in a sponge instead of air.
While at home I get to resume some of my summertime projects such as walking Sangria. She still doesn't love being on a harness and leash, but she does like to be outside so she tolerates it.
I learned so much while I was gone. Going to Rocky Ridge was probably the best thing that I could've done for my life. (...thanks ABV) The things that I gained will help me so much for the rest of my life. AND I met lots of lovely people while I was there. Including... this guy! David Lin! My new favorite person!!! I met him before, but he's in the other violin teacher's studio at Western so I didn't get to know him this past year. We will hang out next year. I have decided.
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