i'm feeling settled in. this is my room. it's lovely.
and my violin stuff is going well. right now i'm going through the process of making a lot of changes in my technique. i love the new changes though. i feel so much more comfortable than before. it's amazing how such little adjustments can make such a big difference.
i went to the eye doctor yesterday. she did a million tests and then asked me if i have problems with double vision. apparently my right eye sees things lower than my left, which my new eye doctor seems to think will cause double vision later in life. great. i now have one contact for my right eye (near-sighted). my left eye (far-sighted) doesn't need one. oh if i could afford laser eye surgery i'd do it. right now. i've tried contacts before with no success so i have my fingers crossed that this works out. my lack of a bridge on my nose makes it quite difficult at times to keep my glasses up on my face.
i set up my recitals: my solo recital is march 21st, saturday, 8pm
chamber recital is february 27th, friday, 6pm
both will be in von kluster hall. if you have a passport and some free time, do come. i will feed you.
this coming monday is canada's thanksgiving. strange... it's so early. just strange. i let all of my classes out early today. and i pretty much just cancelled my 230 class because there was pretty much noone there. i'm way too nice to my students.
lastly, a friend who i'd lost touch with has reentered my life. they are keeping me very inspired and motivated. i am happy and grateful :)